
Friday, 30 May 2014

3 Men Go To India, 2 of them make it on TV

Friday 30 May 2014: Local time 11.30am

The two lads have just been filmed for GSTV, a local station.
Looking dapper in their fine hospital pyjamas, our consummate professionals lay with total grace and style as the camera panned over them. Like true masters they knew when to smile and when to lay back. It was poetry in motion, well.....sort of.
Anyway we will be told when it is on and I am sure someone will be in like a shot to put the TV on the right channel.
TV crew taking video. They will be using the article we gave them
and translating it into Gujarati. 

It's the people behind the scenes who are always there.

Had to remind Allan to smile.
After the "interview", both Allan and Eric went for the first of their walks today. It will get more intense as time goes by as their bodies adjust to walking straight again.

1 comment:

  1. Shame Eric, You really must stop running after those nurses until the staples are out.
    Well done Allan, you are both doing amazingly well. Keep it up.
    We need a copy of your famous film so be sure to bring one back to us all here.

    Doris xx

    Molly is following your progress and says well done and sends her love.

    Cheers for now
    Doris xxx
