
Sunday, 1 June 2014

Views from Outside

Sunday 1 June 2014: Local Time 18:45

To add spice to my carrot I decided to walk down to the front and take a camera with me. I thought some pictures from outside would add the extra motivation to get around and up and about. Both Eric and Allan have been walking around quite a bit, and most of the time out of their own accord. The signs are good.
Even Eric managed to show us his deft steps by taking a few strides with the aid of the walker. Although he did have his splints in place.
As we have become guests it is up to ourselves to ensure all medicine is taken. Last night we received two large bags filled with pills and a schedule on when and how long to take them. I have been empowered to hand the meds out and I even call myself "The Pharmacist".
Allan happy to walk now and often

Front entrance of the hospital

A little section of lawn, beautiful.

View from the bottom.

1 comment:

  1. Hi guys,

    Well you are certainly making your mark in India. I think they were waiting for the right caliber to arrive to be filmed. Eric will you still speak to us lowly's here in Bulawayo on your return. Must I chuck out the recycled glasses for crystal? Sheets changed and washed daily........"sir"
    The outside of the hospital looks stunning, I hope that it is not too long before you can get yourselves down there and have a little stroll around.
    Molly and I are keeping the home fires burning here Eric. Kaye was starting your car this weekend to keep the battery fired up. Graham has a birthday today and has hit 54 years young. He is on the farm on his own so think he celebrated with the three dogs that side and some sadza and stew ! Fine idea for him.
    Last night the house we used to live in when we first came back to this country burnt down. It is now owned by Jason Leanders (Boet Yorks step son). It was a thatch cottage in Douglasdale. A dear little English style house about 10 minutes from the city centre. We did hear the fire trucks hurting past around 8 pm last night :(
    We are still having such lovely warm winter sun with a bit of a crispness in the air. We just find a nice cosy, sunny spot to sit in.
    Keep up the good work and order a huge TBone steak for those new nashers on Monday. :)
    Doris xxx
